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 [REVIEW] Phablet/Console JXDS5800 (Quad-Core, 5")

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Messages : 104
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Inscrit le : 15/03/2013

[REVIEW] Phablet/Console JXDS5800 (Quad-Core, 5") Empty
Msg n°1 MessageSujet: [REVIEW] Phablet/Console JXDS5800 (Quad-Core, 5") [REVIEW] Phablet/Console JXDS5800 (Quad-Core, 5") Icon_minitimeMar 25 Mar 2014, 12:11

[REVIEW] JXDS5800 (Quad-Core, 5")

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Note: In first place, apologize my rude english. I do my best for writing directly in english, avoiding automatic translators, but is possible i do some mistakes. I will be glad receiving any improvement or fix, if you consider necessary, but in general speaking i think the main content of the article is understandable (most of this article is technical information). Hope you don´t get problems on reading it.

NOTE This is a summarize version of the original article located on my blog.


To GeekBuyiung for send me a sample of JXDS5800 device to test it and write this review.

Usage of this article

Author give permission to use this review, part of this or by a link reference, to anybody wants to use it, with only one condition that you must keep the author of this article, and the original source, that is on my blog.

For any update for the content of this article, i suggest to visit the link avobe.

IntroductionJXD releases their first hybrid between smartphone and android console, bringing an interesting device that keep the main shape as their big version JXDS7800B, but adding 3G/Calls functionality, all this reduced to a 5" IPS display, that is a demanded size by many customers for portable android gaming device.

The mix is interesting, with many potential usage, and may be enough for most users, but there is a (big) problem that we cannot ommit, and any future user of this may consider before buy. There are button overlapping problems on the device. I will talk about this in the article, but is something that i consider important to mention before any other info, and to keep in mind when you read this review.

But please, read the article (or the part you prefer) and get your own conclusions about it. I think this device can offer many ways entertainment, and may be enough for your kind of usage.

I will keep al of my part to bring all the info i can for anyone that wants to get more info about this.


Considering the problem of the device with overlapings, is not my intention to show it on each video and mention this each time when i´m doing testing. For this reason, most of the videos i´m capturing are centered on the game performance and running itself, capturing direct from the screen (the device don´t have HDMI output), and using external controller to allow camera to capture in clear way, without movements and/interferences from my hands (between device screen and camera)

[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]Product showcase(Checking of the external view of the package)

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The box is a box with the look of recycled cardboard. Print is simplist and clear. There is a draw of the device in the face, indicating the kind of device it is, a 3G Phone Game

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The rear of the package have some tech info about the device, but in chinese. Even you can deduce some aspects of the device checking icons and some words that are universal (Android 4.2, Cortex A7, 1GB RAM, etc)

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In the box, there is a slot for secure transport of the device, and the rest of the space is for accessories and printed guides/manuals of the product.

[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]Package contents(Unboxing y full description of the package contents)

When the package is opened, we found the following elements thats, i understand, are part of any standard shippment for this product.

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  • JXDS5800 device
  • Headphones
  • MicroUSB cable (for data and charging)
  • MicroUSB OTG cable
  • USB wall charger
  • EURO connector for charger
  • User guide
  • User reference
  • Warranty
  • JXD Sticker

[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]Product description(Enumerate of components that conform the product)

In the following section i will explain briefly each component that comform the device, listing each component existing in their structure and doing comments about these elements when i consider.

In this section i will list only the device parts that may contain elements interesting to comment.

Note: These faces of the device that don´t containt any element i will omit.

[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]Front view

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  • Left Analog Stick
  • D-PAD
  • Phone Speaker
  • [HOME] Button
  • [KEYMAPPER] Button
  • Front Camera
  • 5" IPS Screen
  • Right Analog Stick
  • Front Action buttons [D], [C], [ b], [A]
  • Front Speaker (Monoaural)
  • [BACK] button
  • [MENU] button
  • [START] button
  • [SELECT] button


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Pros, cons and improvements.

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As in every product, there are pros and cons points that are good to mention in a clear way. These points will help to us to decide if the device features are enough for what the user are looking for in a device of this kind.

Pros are based on features that highlight, comparing the device with another similars, or these features improve the experience of the user.

In the another hand, the cons are these points that worse the experience, or the feature is not enough for fulfill what we expect from the device.

Finally, the improvements pints are some features or specs that i think must be improved in a supposed new version of the device, and will generate a better experience in my opinion.

[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]Pros

  • L2 and R2 buttons included in the layout of the device
  • IPS Screen
  • Bluetooth
  • Back camera enough for photos and other usages (Scanning, etc)
  • System running smooth.
  • Bluetooth have good operation range
  • System boots so quick, between 8 and 15 seconds.
  • There is no need of doing swap for microSD. The system settings have an option to select the destination disc for the system.
  • All gaming buttons are included on the Keymapper.

[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]Cons

  • The critical issue is the Overlapping button. This limit so much to this device, basically with emulators (Android games can be played without problems in general speaking)
  • Device size, may become a problem for cusomers that want to use this device as normal phone.
  • L1 & L2 and R1 & R2 are so close, and is so easy to accidentally press wrong buttons.
  • Monoaural speaker. Really is not a big problem, but with two spaces for speakers, most users will expect a stereo front sound.
  • Wifi antenna, after doing sone testing, i conclude that the wifi antena range is so weak.

[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]Improvements

  • Redesign of L1, L2, R1 and R2 buttons.
  • Add a cover case for transportation and protect with this the sticks of the device
  • reduce some the lenght of the device, for become to a more practical device to use as phone.
  • Of course, fix any issue with overlapping buttons.
  • Add CIFS support to the firmware.
  • Add HDMI port.


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This is an evolved 5" JXD device, and must the base for future devices of this size.

Adding L2 and R2 (to 5" device) is something that customers was asking for a while to JXD.

For customers that are looking for a good 5" alternative, this may be one for considering, but take note, point to the new revision of this device (if exist), to avoiding the overlapping problems.

Thanks to their 60Hz screen refresh rate, many emulated games run smoothly and looks so good, in special PSP games.

I have a mix of good and bad taste of this device. Is a clear example that what may be a good 5" alternative to Android gaming console, but there are some things that relegate this to "just another try".

If JXD fix all the problems of this device, then will be a very intersting android gaming console (i doubt that this device is a good alternative for normal phone usage)

If you´re interested on this device, most probably when releasing this review JXD release their new fixed device (and if i can get one of them, i will write about it too)

Final words

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I take time on publishing this review, because i´m waiting for news from JXD about their fixed device, but there is no news yet, and i prefer to publish now this and, if needed, write another article refering to the new device.

Hope this review bring to you information about the device and help to you to decide to buy (or not) but with most info you can get from it (and i try to bring to you)

I will try to update this article with new information i receive about this device.



NOTE This is a summarize version of the original article located on my blog.
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Messages : 17
Réputation : 0
Inscrit le : 04/08/2014

[REVIEW] Phablet/Console JXDS5800 (Quad-Core, 5") Empty
Msg n°2 MessageSujet: Re: [REVIEW] Phablet/Console JXDS5800 (Quad-Core, 5") [REVIEW] Phablet/Console JXDS5800 (Quad-Core, 5") Icon_minitimeLun 04 Aoû 2014, 07:41

Awesome. It's very useful. :clap: 
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[REVIEW] Phablet/Console JXDS5800 (Quad-Core, 5")
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