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 PRMAL RAGE II de retour en arcade

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Serial Newser

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Inscrit le : 30/06/2013

Machine préférée PC-ENGINE, DREAMCAST, PSX

PRMAL RAGE II de retour en arcade Empty
Msg n°1 MessageSujet: PRMAL RAGE II de retour en arcade PRMAL RAGE II de retour en arcade Icon_minitimeMar 24 Juin 2014, 23:43

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[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]Back in December 2012 footage of a long lost arcade legend surfaced on YouTube, giving gamers a glimpse of a 2D beat-em-up that never saw the day of light. Fast forward to today and an arcade in North America has somehow acquired a prototype board of Primal Rage II, something which gamers can now battle it out on.
The highly anticipated sequel to Primal Rage II was due for release sometime in the mid-nineties, however the Atari title ended up being canned following the company's buy out by Midway. According to various sources online only two prototype boards containing the game's code exist today, one supposedly with its creators and one (previously) in collector's hands.
The Galloping Ghost Arcade based in Brookfield, IL, recently uploaded a video to YouTube giving the arcade title its grand reveal at its new home. Having purchased the arcade board from a collector using a small portion of their recent fundraiser, Primal Rage II has now been added to the arcade's floor and made playable for guests.
As it's yet to be confirmed whether or not this exact build of Primal Rage II will be archived digitally and released online for use in emulators, those desperate to have a prehistoric brawl will need to get travelling.

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PRMAL RAGE II de retour en arcade
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