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 Les prototype de production de la nouvelle Pandora pret !!

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Age : 35
Inscrit le : 30/03/2011

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Les prototype de production de la nouvelle Pandora pret !! Empty
Msg n°1 MessageSujet: Les prototype de production de la nouvelle Pandora pret !! Les prototype de production de la nouvelle Pandora pret !! Icon_minitimeMer 28 Déc 2011, 12:39

Et ça y est ! Tout les prototype de la Pandora ont réussi à tout les tests happy
La production va enfin pouvoir commencé, apparemment elle devrais arrivées dans le mois de Mars Wink
Je vous met l'article original Wink

Citation :
I know I am two days too late - but I am pretty sure a lot of you actually followed the older thread as well, with all the thrill and suspense we had!

I am very happy to tell you that the Pandora prototype production run was a full success!
After the issues we had on the first day, we had a nearly-smooth test run on the second day.

The result: 13 out of 13 Pandoras we built are 100% working!
(our goal was to get at least one of them fully working... so I guess that's a good rate happy)

I've tested the PCBs for the last few days and they all work fine.
The WiFi and BT LEDs (we got more orange ones now, as the old ones looked red) are a bit too bright, but that's just some resistor that needs to be changed.

Mass production run is planned to happen early February, so we should see quite a lot of Pandoras being delivered in February! happy
The assembly machine Global Components uses can populate 15,000 parts per hour, and the Pandora PCB has about 500 parts.
Therefore, 30 Pandoras per hour can be produced.

Now, remember when I said I've got a little surprise for you?
Here you go: The Pandoras made here will have 512MB of RAM, twice as much as before.
I know that some of you (who already have one) might be disappointed and angry - but we couldn't do much. The old RAM is just not available anymore, so we had to upgrade.
If you're mostly playing games, then the additional RAM most probably won't affect you - it's mostly only helpful if you use the Pandora as Mini-Desktop PC.

However, I am also planning of an upgrade program: If you already own a Pandora, you can get a new PCB for an upgrade price (and either keep or swap your case as well).
The old boards will be sold as second hand units for a cheaper price. I've not worked out the details yet, but these are the basics of what I'm planning.

Here is a small video showing the prototype production run.

I am really looking dead tired at the end (and I was Wink), so excuse me for that.

Wishing you a very merry christmas.
Stay tuned for the Pandora Rebirth competition coming up soon - where the first price will be a signed prototype Pandora in a pearl white or golden case!