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 KitKat sur Minix X7 ? Pas pour le moment...

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Serial Newser

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KitKat sur Minix X7 ? Pas pour le moment... Empty
Msg n°1 MessageSujet: KitKat sur Minix X7 ? Pas pour le moment... KitKat sur Minix X7 ? Pas pour le moment... Icon_minitimeJeu 02 Jan 2014, 14:05

Un message posté aujourd'hui sur la page FB de Minix
Citation :

A brief message in regards to Android 4.4 KitKat:

We appreciate that Android 4.4 KitKat is a hot topic at the moment, and there is much discussions amongst MINIX users regarding whether we will be migrating to this OS version, and when we are likely to do so - so we would like to take this opportunity to clarify a few points.

The short answer is yes, it is highly likely that we will migrate to Android 4.4. However, we must wait until the correct SDK for Android Boxes is released. Currently RockChip have only released the SDK for Tablets/Smartphones, NOT for Android Boxes. Our reliable/trusted sources have informed us that the SDK for Boxes shall be released near to the end of February. So this is when we would begin looking at the possibility of 4.4, and potentially start working on a Beta ROM. So it will still be another couple of months, March at the earliest, until we would release any Beta ROMs for Android 4.4 KitKat.

You may be aware that some brands, including Tronsmart, have begun releasing 4.4 KitKat ROMs. However, these are 'fake' 4.4 ROMS, which are in fact using the old 4.2 (3.0.36) Kernel. This isn't genuine Android 4.4 KitKat, and isn't giving users the true Android experience that 4.4 offers. We rightly believe it's important to wait until the real Kernels for Android 4.4 KitKat are released before we commence working on this OS version.

MINIX's focus is on ROM performance, we are working hard to improve the stability and fluidity our 4.2.2 FWs and utilizing everything that the 4.2.2 OS has to offer - which hopefully you guys will see and appreciate when we release our latest round on firmwares this month. In our eye's it's not worth migrating when the resources needed aren't available yet, and just adopting 4.4 at the moment for namesake.

What other companies are doing by releasing 'fake' 4.4 ROMs is jeopardizing the user experience, just so they can use the 4.4 KitKat name as a false sales gimmick / trick in an attempt to boost their sales. We understand why you guys have started asking questions about why other brands are seemingly offering 4.4 and MINIX isn't - so we want to be as transparent as possible regarding this issue, and explain the reasons why we aren't migrating now and why it will still be a few months away.

Let's wait until all the resources have been released, give us time to work on and develop some Beta ROMs and then we can test and evaluate these. In the meantime we shall continue to enhance the user experience of 4.2.2 FWs.

Best Regards,

Vont-ils attendre pour promovoir un nouveau modèle basé sur le RK3288 censé être présenté au CES ?
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En parlant de Rockhip, la société devrait présenter également "ses Google Glasses"
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Petit scarabée

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Inscrit le : 14/03/2014

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KitKat sur Minix X7 ? Pas pour le moment... Empty
Msg n°2 MessageSujet: Re: KitKat sur Minix X7 ? Pas pour le moment... KitKat sur Minix X7 ? Pas pour le moment... Icon_minitimeLun 17 Mar 2014, 17:34

On trouve deux Firmwares custom qui se basent sur 4.4.2 Kit Kat.
Le premier est plus avancé que le 2e qui n'est pas développé pour X7 particulièrement (donc pas de WiFi ou Bluetooth par exemple)

Celui de Wasser:
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Et celui de Finless Bob (BETA):
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Je n'ai testé aucun des deux car j'utilise en ce moment le firmware beta pre010 de Minix et j'en suis très content.
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KitKat sur Minix X7 ? Pas pour le moment...
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