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 'Doom' Is 20 Years Old Today

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Serial Newser

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Msg n°1 MessageSujet: 'Doom' Is 20 Years Old Today 'Doom' Is 20 Years Old Today Icon_minitimeMar 10 Déc - 7:37

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Doom may well be the most influential game of the last two decades. At 20 years of age, it's a work that is worth celebrating.

Leaving aside the usual plaudits and the warm nostalgia, it is also worth asking just how important the game is in the great scheme of modern entertainment. Noted at the time of its launch for its technological achievements and its violence, its legacy now seems to be as an early catalyst in multiplayer gaming, in literally bringing people together around a single video game.

Marking the game's birthday at a gathering held on the University of California Santa Cruz campus on Sunday, a few of its creators came together to discuss its importance, along with Professor Henry Lowood, a technology historian based at Stanford University.

Part-lecture, part-LAN / social-academic gathering, the Doom party sought to affirm the game's place in history, and why it means so much to people. John Romero, the game's designer, is regularly recognized in the street. People will approach him and talk about how much Doom meant to them, growing up. They will often talk about how it filled a gap in their lives.

At the party, there were many game design students, studying under a program organized by John and his wife Brenda Romero, for whom many of the design fundamentals of Doom are hard-wired into their view of what games can be. To play Doom against other people is basically the same as playing the most modern shooter. Certainly, in the death-matches that sprang up, the party-goers shared an enjoyment that few 1993 games could really emulate today.


The question of how far its influence spreads is a matter of spirited debate. In his well-regarded book about developer id, Masters of Doom, David Kushner tried to make the case that the game had transformed popular culture. Reviewing the book when it was published ten years ago, the influential critic Wagner James Au argued that its power, while significant inside gaming, had spread no further, that the game was a technical feat just waiting to be achieved, overlain with some standard action-horror assets.

Today, separating games from mainstream culture is a more problematic notion than ten or 20 years ago. Our movies, our communication devices, even our sports, are all intertwined with gaming. And gaming, without any doubt, has been shaped by Doom.

It spawned a genre called Doom-clones, now known as first-person shooters, which are, for many people, the very definition of 'video game.' The importance of FPS games like Call of Duty: Ghosts and BioShock Infinite speak for themselves. They follow the same structures as Doom. They feature, essentially, the same weapons.

Of course, Doom was not the first FPS. "We had made five first-person shooters before Doom," said the game's writer Tom Hall, now head of PlayFirst. "We released Wolfenstein, which had been a hit. But this was the first that had multiplayer, the one that innovated in lots of ways that are now standard in shooting games."


It may not be the first FPS, but it was the first FPS game that millions of people played, many of whom were seeing, for the first time, first-person game worlds that were not abstractions but which operated in the same way that they experienced life. In Doom, the player moves through a world, at a rapid pace, interacting with things. This was not the same as playing sideways-view or overhead experiences like Pac-Man or Super Mario Bros.

Professor Lowood, giving his speech at the party, argued that it was also the first game to separate an "engine" from the game's assets, and in so doing, purposely allowed users to create mods and machinima easily. This played into the growing culture of the independent developer, and of the consumer as creator. It might be fanciful to credit Doom with facilitating this, but it definitely played a part in fostering the understanding that anyone could play with a pre-made engine and create levels or movies out of the technology.

This was something that Romero and John Carmack, the other half of id's core team, worked together to realize. Carmack's zeal for open-source tech partnered with Romero's love of creating fun and, in his words, "anything that might be cool."

Carmack was not at the 20th birthday gathering. It has been a very long time since he and Romero have worked together. Masters of Doom portrayed their relationship in Lennon-and-McCartney terms in which their differences eventually outran their similarities. Romero said that he would have invited Carmack, but doesn't have his email address, since he left id. This suggests a relationship that falls somewhere short of exchanged Christmas cards.


The game can claim some credit for our culture of consumer creativity, but there is another area of our culture in which its place is more solidly secure. When Doom came out it offered a multiplayer option, that quickly became extremely popular. Interestingly, Romero said that the multiplayer part of the game was only included at the very end of the project. "We started working on [the multiplayer] in October [1993]," he explained. The game was released in December.

When the game was launched, it revealed a demand to play against others. "People would grab those heavy old PCs and monitors and transport them to a friend's house and spend half a day networking them all together," Romero told Polygon. "Then they'd spend days just playing Doom. It was the intensity of the experience that people remember."

Multiplayer gaming was nothing new in 1993, but thousands of people moving computers around in order to play for long sessions, electronics stores unable to cope with demand for networking dongles, workplaces instigating rules about playing this one game on their networks, that was all new. Within a few months, the most savvy players had figured out how to play the game over the Internet, a complicated matter best left to those with deep technical knowledge and lots of patience.

Doom showed that the appetite for running around and shooting your friends was enormous. Today, multiplayer gaming, the culture it has created, the e-sports leagues and memes and 'let's plays', are something that are both unique to gaming while also belonging to the human culture as a whole. Those guys organizing LAN parties were finding a new way for people to play together and it is still being felt today.

"People spent crazy amounts of time deathmatching," said Romero. "It was so intense and it brought people together in ways that were new. That is why I think Doom still means so much to people, why people I have never met say hello to me when I pass them in shopping malls, they had fun in ways that they will never forget."

In a Q&A session, a student asked Romero if he understood that the game would be so enormous. He said that, yes, the id team had understood that it would be a big hit, but that at the time "we were just trying to make a game that was better than the ones we had made before."

Doom's place in history may not be based on its provenance as the first FPS, it may not even be as the first game to come with a self-contained engine that encouraged modders. But its place as a game that bound people together like never before, is its likely legacy.

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'Doom' Is 20 Years Old Today Empty
Msg n°2 MessageSujet: Re: 'Doom' Is 20 Years Old Today 'Doom' Is 20 Years Old Today Icon_minitimeMar 10 Déc - 8:14


[mode HS on] où puis-je trouver un tuto simple et clair pour pouvoir lancer doom pc ainsi que les autres "wads"?
Et par la meme occasion le parametrer pour pouvoir jouer avec un pad? [mode HS off]
Merci d'avance à celui qui aura le "courage" de m'aider  :lol2:

Edit: [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]  :doom: spécialement créé pour les 20 ans!
Jeu au pad possible (configuré d'office) mais j'ai pas réussi a configurer le mien  :beurk:
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'Doom' Is 20 Years Old Today Empty
Msg n°3 MessageSujet: Re: 'Doom' Is 20 Years Old Today 'Doom' Is 20 Years Old Today Icon_minitimeMer 1 Jan - 11:18

Original DOOM


Au 20ème anniversaire de DOOM! Le légendaire DOOM est maintenant disponible pour Android! Jouez à DOOM dans sa version originale et frayez-vous un passage parmi les démons de l'Enfer, comme dans au bon vieux temps!
Vous vous sentez nostalgique des bon vieux jeux de tir auxquels vous avez joué auparavant? Nous vous permettons de lancer DOOM original pour tablettes et smartphones. Pourquoi chercher des alternatives quand on peut profiter du gameplay original? Aucun changement ou modification, c'est 100% original!

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Petit scarabée

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Inscrit le : 22/07/2013

'Doom' Is 20 Years Old Today Empty
Msg n°4 MessageSujet: Re: 'Doom' Is 20 Years Old Today 'Doom' Is 20 Years Old Today Icon_minitimeMer 1 Jan - 23:56

Je cherche Doom sur Android en ce moment, ça tombe bien.
Merci pour le lien, mais il ne marche pas.
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'Doom' Is 20 Years Old Today Empty
Msg n°5 MessageSujet: Re: 'Doom' Is 20 Years Old Today 'Doom' Is 20 Years Old Today Icon_minitimeMer 1 Jan - 23:59

Hello, dans ce post [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] tu peux télécharger l'apk happy
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Petit scarabée

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Inscrit le : 22/07/2013

'Doom' Is 20 Years Old Today Empty
Msg n°6 MessageSujet: Re: 'Doom' Is 20 Years Old Today 'Doom' Is 20 Years Old Today Icon_minitimeJeu 2 Jan - 0:06

Super sympa... Mais ça ne marche pas happy
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Membre d'honneur VIP

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Machine préférée RPI, PI-LEGOBOY, DINGOO A320, GCW-Zero, PocketCHIP

'Doom' Is 20 Years Old Today Empty
Msg n°7 MessageSujet: Re: 'Doom' Is 20 Years Old Today 'Doom' Is 20 Years Old Today Icon_minitimeJeu 2 Jan - 0:08

En téléchargeant directement l'apk ?
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Membre Hyper Actif

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'Doom' Is 20 Years Old Today Empty
Msg n°8 MessageSujet: Re: 'Doom' Is 20 Years Old Today 'Doom' Is 20 Years Old Today Icon_minitimeJeu 2 Jan - 16:02

J'ai rejoué à Doom sur mon smartphone Android, 20 ans après et je l'ai enfin fini happy

J'ai testé plein de portages, le seul que j'ai trouvé jouable en configurant ma manette (iControlPad) comme je le voulais est prBoom dans Retroarch.

Donc je recommande RetroArch/PrBoom sur Android.
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Membre d'honneur VIP

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Machine préférée RPI, PI-LEGOBOY, DINGOO A320, GCW-Zero, PocketCHIP

'Doom' Is 20 Years Old Today Empty
Msg n°9 MessageSujet: Re: 'Doom' Is 20 Years Old Today 'Doom' Is 20 Years Old Today Icon_minitimeJeu 2 Jan - 21:05

Hello, oui le core prboom de retroarch est très bon, par contre il faut le .wad.
En plus retroarch permet de jouer à QUAKE  :top: 
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Inscrit le : 12/06/2013

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'Doom' Is 20 Years Old Today Empty
Msg n°10 MessageSujet: Re: 'Doom' Is 20 Years Old Today 'Doom' Is 20 Years Old Today Icon_minitimeVen 3 Jan - 8:46

:doom:  Sérieux Doom c'était que du bonheur... et j'suis heureux que les créateurs de wads sont toujours la pour nous pondre des mods & levels sympatiques.
Faudrait que je pense à réinstaller Doom Legacy d'ailleurs, ou utiliser mon archos gamepad pour un peu de folie sur retroarch  :peufpeuf: 

Sinon, j'ai voulu tester y a un ptit moment brutal doom, un mod "sanglant" de doom, c'est ptete le temps d'essayer.

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Si vous voulez tester les maps de la video y a des liens en commentaire de la vid youtube Razz

Aussi, pour ceux qui recherche les wads d'origine pour prboom ou autre :  
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Section wads, vous avez tout ce qui faut les gars  :yeah:
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Petit scarabée

Messages : 73
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Inscrit le : 22/07/2013

'Doom' Is 20 Years Old Today Empty
Msg n°11 MessageSujet: Re: 'Doom' Is 20 Years Old Today 'Doom' Is 20 Years Old Today Icon_minitimeVen 3 Jan - 18:32

SpikeSpiegel a écrit:
En téléchargeant directement l'apk ?
Pareil :/
Je vais me tourner vers la version PC...

Génial sqturn2k Merci pour tout ça !
Juste une question pour PC : il y a un front end pour utiliser retro doom + wads additionnel parce que sinon, je ne vois pas comment les lancer happy
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Messages : 491
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Inscrit le : 12/06/2013

Localisation : Normandie

'Doom' Is 20 Years Old Today Empty
Msg n°12 MessageSujet: Re: 'Doom' Is 20 Years Old Today 'Doom' Is 20 Years Old Today Icon_minitimeSam 4 Jan - 5:32

Je viens de lire sur le site retro doom qu'il te faudra juste les wads officiels. Je pense qu'il faudra les placer simplement dans le répertoire de retro doom et de lancer l’exécutable. Ne pas oublier des les dé-archiver avant.

Après le soucis avec les wads additionnels fait par des passionnés, il faudra parfois que tu passes sur doom legacy ou zdoom, car sinon certains wads tu peux pas les finir sinon (par exemple, certains niveaux nécessite de sauter, alors que c'est pas dispo dans le jeu d'origine xD).

D'ailleurs je recommande aussi chaudement le "Doom64 TC", ils ont réussi à refaire et finir le Doom 64 en tant que mod pour doom et en plus de rajouter 6 niveaux inédit. Juste... génial ;D

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'Doom' Is 20 Years Old Today Empty
Msg n°13 MessageSujet: Re: 'Doom' Is 20 Years Old Today 'Doom' Is 20 Years Old Today Icon_minitimeLun 28 Avr - 1:27

sqturn2k a écrit:

Après le soucis avec les wads additionnels fait par des passionnés, il faudra parfois que tu passes sur doom legacy ou zdoom, car sinon certains wads tu peux pas les finir sinon (par exemple, certains niveaux nécessite de sauter, alors que c'est pas dispo dans le jeu d'origine xD).
Je confirme, moi je tourne avec Zdoom (PC) car c'est le seul avec lequel j'ai réussi a configurer mon pad et de plus il est simple d'utilisation.

Quelqu'un a essayé Brutal Doom sur Android (si il existe)?
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