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 Final Fantasy VI cet automne sur iOS et Android, FFVII ensuite ?

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Serial Newser

Messages : 2171
Réputation : 100
Inscrit le : 30/06/2013

Machine préférée PC-ENGINE, DREAMCAST, PSX

Final Fantasy VI cet automne sur iOS et Android, FFVII ensuite ? Empty
Msg n°1 MessageSujet: Final Fantasy VI cet automne sur iOS et Android, FFVII ensuite ? Final Fantasy VI cet automne sur iOS et Android, FFVII ensuite ? Icon_minitimeJeu 10 Oct - 16:37

C'est le producteur Takashi Tokita de chez Square Enix qui s'est chargé d'annoncer la bonne nouvelle pour les fans de Final Fantasy. Final Fantasy VI, optimisé pour les interfaces multitouch, iOS et Android, sera proposé cet automne par l'éditeur.

« Le jeu ne sera pas un portage stricto sensu » avec notamment des graphismes « toujours en 2D mais affinés ». Petite cerise sur le gâteau, il laisse entrevoir le portage de l'opus suivant, Final Fantasy VII.

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Serial Newser

Messages : 2171
Réputation : 100
Inscrit le : 30/06/2013

Machine préférée PC-ENGINE, DREAMCAST, PSX

Final Fantasy VI cet automne sur iOS et Android, FFVII ensuite ? Empty
Msg n°2 MessageSujet: Re: Final Fantasy VI cet automne sur iOS et Android, FFVII ensuite ? Final Fantasy VI cet automne sur iOS et Android, FFVII ensuite ? Icon_minitimeMer 4 Déc - 15:58

See the first screenshots from the Final Fantasy VI iOS remake
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It's only been a week since Final Fantasy IV: The After Years appeared on the App Store, but it seems that Square Enix is keen to generate buzz for its next iOS port.
You see, Squeenix is bringing its '90s RPG classic Final Fantasy VI to iOS this winter, complete with snazzy new visuals.
To whet our appetites for the 'remake' (which we reported on back in October), the developer has released some screenshots of the new visually enhanced mobile version. Siliconera has posted these new images alongside comparison shots from the original SNES version:
SNES verson
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iOS version
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SNES version
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iOS version
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According to Square Enix producer and director Takashi Tokita, the iOS remake of Final Fantasy VI will be something of a re-imagining of the classic JRPG, featuring an overhauled battle system and less "grinding".
As soon as we have a concrete release date, we'll let you know.
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Serial Newser

Messages : 2171
Réputation : 100
Inscrit le : 30/06/2013

Machine préférée PC-ENGINE, DREAMCAST, PSX

Final Fantasy VI cet automne sur iOS et Android, FFVII ensuite ? Empty
Msg n°3 MessageSujet: Re: Final Fantasy VI cet automne sur iOS et Android, FFVII ensuite ? Final Fantasy VI cet automne sur iOS et Android, FFVII ensuite ? Icon_minitimeMer 15 Jan - 17:11

[Update] SNES classic Final Fantasy VI arrives on Android

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As it's now January 15th, the mobile remake of Final Fantasy VI is now available on Google Play [buy].

Despite what we said yesterday, it's available in the EU and the US. So, whoopee for that.

It will cost you Android players £10.99 / $15.99 to pick up this classic JRPG.
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Serial Newser

Messages : 2171
Réputation : 100
Inscrit le : 30/06/2013

Machine préférée PC-ENGINE, DREAMCAST, PSX

Final Fantasy VI cet automne sur iOS et Android, FFVII ensuite ? Empty
Msg n°4 MessageSujet: Re: Final Fantasy VI cet automne sur iOS et Android, FFVII ensuite ? Final Fantasy VI cet automne sur iOS et Android, FFVII ensuite ? Icon_minitimeJeu 16 Jan - 9:43

Version massacrée selon Kotaku  :/ 

Oh No, Square Enix, What Have You Done To Final Fantasy VI?

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When we first saw screens of Final Fantasy VI on mobile, I was a little worried. The sprites looked faded, as if they'd been accidentally thrown in a washing machine, and like the FFV port before it, the game had an amateur, RPG Makerish feel.P
But who knew it would get this bad? Today Square released the Android version of the FFVIremake/port, and one Redditor has been posting screenshots and impressions throughout the day. While some of the new features seem pretty neat—like Sabin's Blitz feature on touch screen—the aesthetics are killing me. One of my favorite games now hurts to look at. This is an atrocity against my childhood. 6P
I mean, look at that city in the screenshot above. They shrank a realistic-looking model of Figaro and slapped in on the world map, even though it looks nothing like the cartoony, washed-out Locke sprite standing next to it.78P
Compare to the original SNES version:9P
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The dimensions might be askew, but at least everything fits. Locke seems like he belongs. Figaro Castle's world map landmark is an abstraction, but it feels like part of the world. It doesn't look like someone's half-assed sticker.P
You know, some people might be okay with Locke's sprite there. Some RPG fans might not mind the visual update. But if you've played the SNES version of Final Fantasy VI—one of the best games of all time, I have to add—this shot might give you fits:10P
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Sigh. These characters, once so interesting and animated, now look like they were drawn in MS Paint. And sure, we can ignore this mobile remake. We can pretend it doesn't exist. But it does, and it's painful to see that in 2014, this is how Square Enix treats one of its most beloved games.15P
Well at least maybe they got the script right...P
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At least we'll always have the SNES version, my friends. They can never take that one away from us.
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Serial Newser

Messages : 2171
Réputation : 100
Inscrit le : 30/06/2013

Machine préférée PC-ENGINE, DREAMCAST, PSX

Final Fantasy VI cet automne sur iOS et Android, FFVII ensuite ? Empty
Msg n°5 MessageSujet: Re: Final Fantasy VI cet automne sur iOS et Android, FFVII ensuite ? Final Fantasy VI cet automne sur iOS et Android, FFVII ensuite ? Icon_minitimeJeu 16 Jan - 10:23

Si qqnveut quand même le tester dans sa version "améliorée"...
FINAL FANTASY VI v1.0.0 - [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
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Final Fantasy VI cet automne sur iOS et Android, FFVII ensuite ?
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