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 PowerA's Moga Power: une nouvelle manette/chargeur pour smartphone

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Serial Newser

Messages : 2171
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Inscrit le : 30/06/2013

Machine préférée PC-ENGINE, DREAMCAST, PSX

PowerA's Moga Power: une nouvelle manette/chargeur pour smartphone Empty
Msg n°1 MessageSujet: PowerA's Moga Power: une nouvelle manette/chargeur pour smartphone PowerA's Moga Power: une nouvelle manette/chargeur pour smartphone Icon_minitimeMer 14 Aoû 2013, 20:57

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Since we saw PowerA's Moga Pro controller at CES earlier this year, the company has shown that it's keen to evolve its product line based on early adopter feedback. Its two latest Bluetooth Android controllers -- the Moga Pro Power and the more petite Moga Hero Power -- bring some added functionality to PowerA's lineup while building on the successes (and shortcomings) of the previous iterations. In addition to enhanced ergonomics and an improved grip, Moga's newest offerings also boast multiplayer support and the ability to charge your phone while you play. The latter might be PowerA's ace in the hole, but do the upgrades make for an even better mobile gaming experience? Read on to find out.

Once we got the Pro Power controller in our hands, it was pretty clear that PowerA wasn't kidding around when it came to its hardware design. While the Moga Pro showed some noticeable improvements in the look and feel of the controller by more closely mirroring its console brethren, the Pro Power adds an extra level of comfort. Weights inside the controller counterbalance the heft of an attached phone so it no longer feels like your device is quite literally dragging you down. The smaller Hero Power is virtually unrecognizable from the earlier Moga Pocket, which came with a rectangular design that proved unwieldy when used for an extended period of time; it borrows the ergonomic style of the Pro while adapting it to its smaller size. While it still isn't as comfortable as the full-sized controller, the updated grip and analog sticks (with click this time) are a marked improvement. Additionally, the built-in phone holder on both controllers has been blessed with increased depth and just enough width to fit a sizable Otterbox-wearing Note 2 (the previous model could only accommodate a naked Note 2).

As previously mentioned, PowerA is banking on its Moga Boost technology -- a fancy name for the ability to charge your phone while you play -- to elevate the Power series from good to great. Bluetooth controllers are fine and dandy, but they're not terrifically useful if they drain your phone's battery after playing for a while. The Moga Power series addresses that concern by allowing you to plug your phone into the controller via a 6-inch USB cable so you needn't watch it bleed power as you terrorize pedestrians in Crazy Taxi.

Unlike our experience with the Moga Pro, we were happy to note that there was virtually no noticeable lag with gameplay for most of the titles we tried out. Pacman, Crazy Taxi and The Conduit played like a dream, and Moga's Pivot app is loaded with over 125 games optimized for use with its controllers. Both the Hero and the Pro Power are also H.I.D.-ready, but the game library for that Bluetooth standard is much smaller.

While the Moga Pro Power series is only available for Android devices at this time, the folks at PowerA promised that an iOS version was in the works. We don't yet have a release date on either controller, but it's likely that they'll drop sometime this fall (probably around October or November). Price-wise, you can expect to shell out a bit more cash than you would have with the current Moga Pro, which retails for $50, due to the different battery and additional features. That being said, if you're in the market for an Android controller, you would be hard-pressed to do better than these bad boys.
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Serial Newser

Messages : 2171
Réputation : 100
Inscrit le : 30/06/2013

Machine préférée PC-ENGINE, DREAMCAST, PSX

PowerA's Moga Power: une nouvelle manette/chargeur pour smartphone Empty
Msg n°2 MessageSujet: Re: PowerA's Moga Power: une nouvelle manette/chargeur pour smartphone PowerA's Moga Power: une nouvelle manette/chargeur pour smartphone Icon_minitimeMer 30 Oct 2013, 23:42

MOGA Hero Power Now Available From Amazon For $59.99, MOGA Pro Power Release Date Moved Up To November 4th

Update: It looks like we might not be able to plug our phones into our controllers just yet. The Amazon link has already changed to say that the MOGA Hero Power is temporarily out of stock. Keep an eye out, as it will probably reappear before or around the launch of the MOGA Pro Power.
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Android games are consistently getting better, but there's a drawback. As new titles task players with taking control of more detailed character models, paint surfaces with higher resolution textures, and follow up attacks with an increasing number of particles, phones with passable battery life soon find that they can hardly make it through morning. Gamers who pair up their handset to a Bluetooth controller have done so knowing that while they were improving their control, they were sacrificing even more juice. The upcoming MOGA Hero Power and Pro Power controllers, with micro USB ports capable of charging most Android phones, offer a long awaited solution. The former is now on sale from Amazon for $59.99, tossing its previous November 14th release date to the wind.
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The MOGA Hero Power is similar to the original MOGA controller, but it comes with several improvements. In addition to its 1800mAh internal battery, it's slightly larger, has actual thumbsticks, and comes with a solid D-pad. The layout now better resembles that of a modern console controller. It's not as large as the MOGA Pro or the upcoming MOGA Pro Power, but the MOGA Hero Power is still more capable than most Bluetooth controllers out there, and it's the first that will feed more juice to your handset than it drains.
The MOGA Pro Power is still available as a pre-order. Not to be forgotten, its release date has been pushed forward to November 4th.
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It's worth pointing out that the pictures for both of these devices are somewhat misleading. If you want to recharge your phone while playing, there will be an awkward cable extending from the handset to the controller. In addition to looking tacky, it may also interfere with gameplay. Just keep this in mind as you rush over to Amazon.
MOGA Hero Power on Amazon

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PowerA's Moga Power: une nouvelle manette/chargeur pour smartphone
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