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 Packs d'icônes

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Team Open Consoles
Team Open Consoles

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Packs d'icônes Empty
Msg n°1 MessageSujet: Packs d'icônes Packs d'icônes Icon_minitimeJeu 22 Sep 2011, 21:17

Citation :
Here are some icons and preview pics for use with Minimenu.

They come in this file as generic names, you need to rename to match the name of your PND.

Icons are named the same as the PND but with the PNG extension.
Example: Emu4all emulator file Emu4all.PND would have an icon file called Emu4all.PNG .
Preview pictures are the same name as the .PND but with _pvw#0.png after the appname. The #0 is the appnumber as some PNDs have more than one module. Most of the time it will be 0 though.
Example: Emu4all emulator file Emu4all.PND would have a preview picture file called Emu4all_pvw#0.PNG
There is also a .ovr file that can be used too. This allows you to tell Minimenu under which tab you want the app to show up, and add some notes in the preview window.

You can make a subdirectory to hold all of these files with the app.
Example you could put the Emu4all emulator in a Emu4all subdirectory with the Emu4all.PND, the Emu4all.ovr, Emu4all.png (icon picture), Emu4all_pvw#0.png (preview picture) together.

NOTE: not all PND files support preview pictures at the moment. If you put the pic in the same subdir and it doesn't show it is likely due to the developer not supporting it.
Icons do work always though. In a few instances .ovr files cause Minimenu to reset when the offending app is highlighted with the cursor. If this happens delete the .ovr file
(or rename it so if it is fixed in future you can name it back and use). This is also due to something the developer has done. Likely this will be fixed in the future.

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Des packs d'icônes :

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Volume 2 : [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]

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Le pack complet ici : [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
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