Note: Due the limitations of this forum, this is a summarized version of the original article located in My Blog.
To Geekbuyingstore for send me a sample of their product Teclast X89 to test it and write this review.
Note about this review
This article is a summary of the original article located here.
This article is the first part of the main review of the device. Currently i get bricked the device when trying to update/install a clean windows version, and i can´t keep testing for now, until i found the way to recover it
When i get the device unbricked (if i get this), i will post a second part with steps for recovery, firmware update, tips and tricks for this device.
This article is based on general usage of the device, and for windows get many videos of games running directly on the device itself, for showing what you can expect of this.
For technical info and benchmarking on windows, when i get this device operative again, i will update this article with these sections.
Apologize if the article is not enough informative as you can expect. I'll do my best to bring a second part with more info about this device.
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]Product showcase(Checking of the external view of the package)
First of all, i never mention about packaging of the store that sent to me their articles, because usually i don´t consider interesting to mention, but this time i will do an exception because i get so pleased about this point.
For this review, Geekbuying sent to me two devices (but i wrote in different articles) that correspond to a suggested (by me) combo for use together:
Tablet Teclast X89
iPega 9023 controller
Both of them come in the same package, but fully protected, first with the typical plastic with bubbles, covering all the content:
According with the manufacturer, or searching info on web pages, we can found many sources of information about the device and sometimes these information may be not consistent (may be different from one web page to other), and this may cause some confusion for anybody that wants to get info about this product.
On this section i will post the info i get from the manufacturer (or is not possible, the web page that i consider more reliable), listing only the relevant points for a tech analysis of the product, and omit these points that don´t get any relevant info about the device (as many time we found on many pages, things such video capabilities, mail capabilities, etc, that really are software based features that we can install on the device, and not a real feature of the device itself)
I did not found the official specs on Teclast webpage. There is the specs of the previous version (X89HD), but not for this specific device (Teclast X89, or Teclast X89 Retina Display)
Operating System: Android 4.4 & Windows 8.1 OS (Dual Boot)
not, is about the charger, because nobody talk about them. this is a vindictive article about chargers and pacaking, because they are so important too.
Note: Usually i post a summary of the article, that is the first part of this, on forums where i limited by size (characters by message) when posting my reviews. I prefer to post a part of the article, than a simple link to my blog, because this last is much like a spamming practice. When i create the summay, i try to post something that can interest to people that read the message.
this case i post the specs, packaging and some videos of the original article, that i think is a good introduction of the device and the review itself. ^_^
Belchine Revendeur/Partenaire Certifié
Messages : 4490 Réputation : 234 Age : 48 Inscrit le : 12/05/2012
Well, i don´t have a video of boot process really.
Teclast usually come with a combo for changing operating system after you turn on the device, press VOL+ and VOL- for selecting operating system
If you check my guide, you'll see there are some directions for configuring the BIOS, and with this adding a time for you to press supr key for entering the bios (using a keyboard), and changing the option for you get a menu booting that allow you to select an operating system for boot.
not, is about the charger, because nobody talk about them. this is a vindictive article about chargers and pacaking, because they are so important too.
Note: Usually i post a summary of the article, that is the first part of this, on forums where i limited by size (characters by message) when posting my reviews. I prefer to post a part of the article, than a simple link to my blog, because this last is much like a spamming practice. When i create the summay, i try to post something that can interest to people that read the message.
this case i post the specs, packaging and some videos of the original article, that i think is a good introduction of the device and the review itself. ^_^
I was kidding Thanks for your post. I can't see the videos though. What the battery's life in Video ad gaming ?
Deen0X Padawan
Messages : 104 Réputation : 26 Inscrit le : 15/03/2013
nah, i figure, but i consider that is a good idea to clear this, for other guys that don´t know to me.
about battery life, i put some info on the review with few screenshots. i think you can play (windows) about 3.5 to 4 hours, depending on the game you're playing, and typical params such wifi, screen bright, etc.
i think is a good battery life, considering the kind of device and ... windows operating system. XD