recently i published my guide for Gamestreaming V2.0. On this guide, i included an universal method for streaming&gamestreaming desktop consoles such PS3/X360/PS4/XOne to other devices such android (smartphones, tablets, consoles, android sticks, etc), PC (windows, linux, mac), IOS (iphone, ipad), Google Chrome Browser (with enabled extensions).
The streaming client depend of the streaming program we use: - Limelight - Kainy - Splashtop Gamepad THD
the system is very simple, and is divided onto two parts
Part 1: Audio/Video Streaming
With this, you can play on your desktop console using something similar to gameklip, or directly on your tablet using the desktop console controller.
You will need:
A capture card for your video output from desktop console A software for previewing the video captured. (Debut, Totalmedia Extreme 2, TV View, etc. Any software that don´t generate lag in the image) A software for streaming (Limelight, Kainy, Splashtop THD) A tablet, smartphone, etc. that will be the client of streaming A desktop console that you want to stream, and a wireless controller (you will play with this, connected to their console)
Schemma: [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]
Part 2: Complete GameStreaming (Audio/Video/Control)
If you need control your desktop console from your device, i.e. for remote playing, then you will need:
A capture card for your video output from desktop console A software for previewing the video captured. (Debut, Totalmedia Extreme 2, TV View, etc. Any software that don´t generate lag in the image) A software for streaming (Limelight, Kainy, Splashtop THD) A tablet, smartphone or similar with a gamepad connected, or an android console etc. A desktop console that you want to stream Optionally, may need a controller from the desktop console, for authenticate process of the gamepad. A Titan One device, for controlling our desktop consoles from streaming client.
Schemma: [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]
The guide is my blog. I started a discussion thread in spanish on elotrolado, and i want to start other similar thread in english (or well, may be in french... of course, but i will answer in english) here. I want to help people that want to try this, but my time for now is low (so much work, end of the year, etc), but i will try to check forums for people that need some help.
I will update this post with some videos of samples with this method.
Many usage examples of streaming desktop consoles
Playing PS3 over gamestreaming, using an Android stick TV and X-Arcade controller
Playing X360 on iPega GP9700, with gamestreaming (controlling the desktop console within iPega controls)
Using new Layout for playing FPS within Mouse&Keyboard. This case, playing PS3-GTA5 on iPega GP9700
Hope you found interesting and useful this info.
SpikeSpiegel Membre d'honneur VIP
Messages : 6181 Réputation : 212 Age : 45 Inscrit le : 07/04/2012