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 Un remake HD amateur de Resident Evil 2 bientôt en démo

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Serial Newser

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Inscrit le : 30/06/2013

Machine préférée PC-ENGINE, DREAMCAST, PSX

Un remake HD amateur de Resident Evil 2 bientôt en démo Empty
Msg n°1 MessageSujet: Un remake HD amateur de Resident Evil 2 bientôt en démo Un remake HD amateur de Resident Evil 2 bientôt en démo Icon_minitimeLun 07 Avr 2014, 13:30

Unofficial Resident Evil 2 HD Remake 'Reborn' In Development

[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]In 2002 Capcom took one of their most successful video game releases to date and re-sculpted it from the ground up. Despite this GameCube remake of Resident Evil being hugely popular, the re-releases of Resident Evil 2 and its successors sadly didn't receive the same HD treatment - at least until now, albeit unofficially.
As of recent Italian based indie game studio Invader Games have been posting to their Facebook fan page a collection of screenshots and videos of their newly announced Resident Evil 2 HD remake for the PC. While everything appears to be very much a work in progress, the project overall is showing great promise and appears to be exactly how we all imagined the GameCube remake could have looked all those years ago.
Although lacking any approval from Capcom whatsoever, the studio have announced that a playable demo of RE2 Reborn will be released this month. Until then, be sure to check out these technical demos of the Resident Evil 2 HD Remake on YouTube.
Unofficial Resident Evil 2 HD Remake 'Reborn' In Development | RetroCollect - [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] Resident Evil 2 HD Remake 'Reborn' In Development | RetroCollect - [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]

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Un remake HD amateur de Resident Evil 2 bientôt en démo
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