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 DOOM 20th anniversary

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Membre d'honneur VIP

Messages : 6181
Réputation : 211
Age : 45
Inscrit le : 07/04/2012

Machine préférée RPI, PI-LEGOBOY, DINGOO A320, GCW-Zero, PocketCHIP

DOOM 20th anniversary Empty
Msg n°1 MessageSujet: DOOM 20th anniversary DOOM 20th anniversary Icon_minitime31.12.13 14:17


Pour ses 20ans DOOM débarque en version gratuite sur le Google PlayStore...

DOOM 20th anniversary EsXhYQVUohYOeCL1w6dG312TXpZbyYu8yPbqN4gmC8V_xt0TMiEaI4IV2nmk2M5qrlM=h310-rw

Citation :
In honor of the 20th anniversary of DOOM! Legendary DOOM is now on your Android device! Relive the original DOOM experience and fight your way through hordes of demons from Hell - just as you did in the good old days!

Are you getting nostalgic over good old first person shooters that you played in your youth? We are bringing original DOOM to your smart phones and tablets. Why look for alternatives when you can experience original gameplay? No changes, no alternations - 100% original!

Relive the role of space marine (aka “Doomguy”) who is sent to Mars on what is considered by space marines to be the dullest assignment imaginable. However, this all changes when a teleportation experiment goes horribly wrong; Deimos disappears, evil is released and death and destruction follow. Now it is up to space marine to fight for his own life and prevent evil from attacking the Earth.

Google PlayStore: [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
APK: ici

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DOOM 20th anniversary
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