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 UG320, une autre box avec RK3188 + webcam 5MPX

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Serial Newser

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UG320, une autre box avec RK3188 + webcam 5MPX Empty
Msg n°1 MessageSujet: UG320, une autre box avec RK3188 + webcam 5MPX UG320, une autre box avec RK3188 + webcam 5MPX Icon_minitimeLun 18 Nov 2013, 18:19

Ugoos UG310 and UG320 Android STBs Based on Rockchip RK3188

In the last few months, there has been very little innovation or novelty in the Android set-top box and mini PC space, and the latest Ugood Android set-top boxes are yet other devices based on Rockchip RK3188 processor with 1 to 2GB RAM, and 8GB flash, as well as Wi-Fi and Ethernet connectivity, and a 5MP camera. They only differ from the competition because of their casings.
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Ugoos UG320
Both devices mostly share the same specifications:

  • SoC – Rockchip RK3188 quad core Cortex A9 @ 1.6Ghz with Mali-400MP4 GPU @ 500MHz?
  • System Memory – 1GB DDR3 for UG320, 2GB DDR3 for UG310
  • Storage – 8GB flash + microSD card slot (Up to 32 GB)
  • Video Output – HDMI and AV outputs
  • Audio Output – HDMI, optical SPDIF, and AV (CVBS).
  • Connectivity – Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, and 10/100M Ethernet. Bluetooth 3.0 is available in UG320 only.
  • USB:

    • UG310 – 2x USB 2.0 host ports
    • UG320 – 3x USB 2.0 host ports

  • Camera – 5MP camera
  • Power Supply – 5V/2A

Both devices run Android 4.2. UG320 comes with a powered adapter, and HDMI and AV cables. UG310 adds a standard IR remote control to the list of accessories.
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UG310 is the type of device that can be placed on top of the TV, and UG320 is a small media player than can be placed horizontal, or vertically thanks to a base.
UG320 can be purchased for $90.59 on GeekBuying, but you can also find it for about $100 on Aliexpress. UG310 can be found for $107.99 on Dealsprime without remote, and $127.99 with a 2.4GHz remote, and starts at $119 on Aliexpress with a “Body feeling remote control” [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]. There’s also a model called GK528 that looks similar.
You can also visit UG310 and UG320 pages on the manufacturer website (Ugoos).

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UG320, une autre box avec RK3188 + webcam 5MPX
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