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 Rockchip préparer la nouvelle génération: Quad-core Cortex A-12

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Serial Newser

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Rockchip préparer la nouvelle génération: Quad-core Cortex A-12 Empty
Msg n°1 MessageSujet: Rockchip préparer la nouvelle génération: Quad-core Cortex A-12 Rockchip préparer la nouvelle génération: Quad-core Cortex A-12 Icon_minitimeSam 27 Juil 2013, 20:34

Rockchip working on quad-core ARM Cortex-A12 RK32xx chip
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Rockchip has made a name for itself by offering cheap, yet powerful processors for tablets, TV boxes, and other devices. The company’s RK3188 is one of the fastest ARM Cortex-A9 chips on the market right now, but it’s used in devices that don’t cost and arm and a leg.
So what does Rockchip have in store for 2014? According to a new roadmap, Rockchip is working on a quad-core ARM Cortex-A12 chip series called the RK32xx.
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Rockchip sent the document to the folks at Linux Rockchip, and CNX Software spotted the bits about the RK32xx chip.
ARM’s Cortex-A12 architecture is designed for mid-range smartphones and tablets. It’s not as fast as the Cortex-A15 technology used in chips like the NVIDIA Tegra 4 or Samsung Exynos 5 Octa. But the new chip should be faster than anything Rockchip currently offers.
Among other things, the upcoming 28nm chip will support 4K video decoding, 1080p video encoding, and DirectX 11 graphics (as well as OpenCL, OpenGL ES 1.1 and 2.0, and more).
The RK32xx chip features a 1.8 GHz quad-core processor with ARM Mali-T624 graphics, and the first RK32xx chips are expected to hit the streets in the second quarter of 2014.
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Rockchip préparer la nouvelle génération: Quad-core Cortex A-12
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