Une idée des différences avec la K1 gba SP ? Elles sont au même tarif, et le format pliable est sympa je trouve. La finition est peut être meilleure sur la k101 revo plus...? Toujours pas de news K0en ?
salv-ice Ultimate Retrogamer
Messages : 1487 Réputation : 146 Age : 44 Inscrit le : 03/11/2014
D'après certains retours la k1 gba fait très bien le boulot, auparavant il y avait un souci de perte de sauvegardes mais ça été résolu grâce au dernier firmware. La "nouvelle" Revo k101 a - d'après ce que j'ai compris- un écran de meilleure qualité et une batterie plus grosse. Elle aurait pu être "parfaite" si l'ému SNES avait été proposé, croisons les doigts...
En ce moment j'hésite entre les deux mais le form factor de la gba me fait de l'œil (j'en avait une -la vraie- mais je m'en étais séparé à cause de son écran non éclairé) et puis j'ai l'impression qu'ils essaient de relancer la vente de la Revo qui a surement du mal à décoller depuis sa création.
salv-ice Ultimate Retrogamer
Messages : 1487 Réputation : 146 Age : 44 Inscrit le : 03/11/2014
Si je la prends c'est uniquement pour les jeux GB, GBC et GBA ce qu'elle semble faire à la perfection. D'après les reviews sur le net, les contrôles sont très bons également !
Pour les consoles de salon, je préfère l'écran de ma GP2 mais pour les portables c'est trop grand donc cette Revo devrait faire l'affaire !
Good news! The first batch Revo k101 plus had been in stock. We have the limited quantity in this batch. Those orders placed earlier will be send out firstly from now on. Thanks for patience.
Love them or loathe them, hardware clones of vintage gaming platforms are here to stay. Technical wizards operating on the fringe of the gaming hardware arena are constantly dreaming up new products which ape the performance and feel of classic consoles, and in the past few years we've seen imitations of the NES, SNES and Mega Drive - as well as some hybrid systems which play games from multiple platforms, like the Super Retro Trio and the RetroN 5.
If you're already familiar with the wacky world of clone systems then the name REVO K101 will already be known to you. It's a clone of the Nintendo Game Boy Advance that follows on from the K1 GBA SP, and not only allows you to run original GBA carts but also supports ROMs, as well as very basic emulation. The system launched back in 2012 to a rather mixed reception - it was plagued with bugs and issues - but more recently it has been enhanced and re-released in a new "Plus" guise. With a low retail price and above-average compatiblity, this is a piece of portable hardware that is certainly worth considering - if you're willing to overlook the murky world of ROM distribution, of course.
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The REVO K101 Plus isn't an expensive machine - it costs $69.99 - and that cheapness shows a little in the build quality. It's not on the same level as Nintendo's portable hardware, but that is to be expected - Nintendo is a massive company with years of manufacturing experience. Our review unit felt solid enough, although we noticed that the top of the casing - where the black plastic band meets the white front and back portions - bulges slightly, presumably because of internal components pushing against it. The buttons feel spongy but they're perfectly responsive, and while the D-Pad has a lot of travel but we didn't have any issues when playing intense action titles that required quick response time. The L and R shoulder triggers are perhaps a little too "soft", but again, they respond well to input so it's not that much of an issue.
The console's screen is uncommonly bright for a system that costs such a small amount of money, and while viewing angles could be better, we found it a pleasure to use. The big issue here is that it boasts a higher resolution than the original GBA, so running games full-screen means you have to put up with distortion and fuzziness. It's possible to play games in a smaller window which matches the GBA's original resolution, but that involves a massive black border around the image. Another disappointment is the sound - the console's single speaker is quite tinny and discordant, and too easy to accidentally cover with your thumb during play - it's located directly below the diamond-cluster of face buttons.
On the top edge of the console there's a brightness button which can be used to cycle through preset brightness settings for the display. Using this button with various other inputs activates other settings - such as toggle between the three screen resolutions, backing up save data to your microSD card, putting the console into sleep mode or dropping back to the K101 Plus' menu when not using a standard GBA cart.
The REVO K101 Plus features a standard GBA cartridge slot and will therefore play GBA games. The manufacturer boasts 100 percent compatibility, and while we're naturally not in a position to test that claim, we didn't experience problems with any of the GBA games were threw at the machine. Performance was perfect, both in terms of visuals and audio. The console is also able to emulate the "Real Time Clock" aspect of the original GBA system, where a battery was used in titles like Pokémon Ruby & Sapphire to simulate the passage of time within the game itself. However, this is all just one side of the system's GBA support - a more attractive element for retro gamers will be the fact that the console comes with a special K-Card cartridge that boasts a microSD card slot, thereby granting access to ROM support.
When you boot the K101 Plus with a standard GBA cart, it loads just like it would on a standard GBA console. However, with the K-Card inserted, you're presented with a unique menu which allows you to load up ROM files not only for GBA games, but also for built-in emulators which cover the likes of the NES, Master System, Game Boy, Game Boy Color and PC Engine. Sticking with the GBA for the moment, we again found the compatibility to be impressive. Games ran just as well as they would as if they were being loaded from an original cartridge, albeit with considerable loading times as the ROM data is dumped into the system memory.
The emulation of other systems was a little disappointing; NES and Master System games suffer from skittish performance and ropey audio, while PC Engine emulation is so sluggish it's practically unplayable on some games. The primitive Game Boy is emulated more faithfully by the hardware, but in all honesty, we wouldn't recommend investing in this system as a means to experience such games - you're not getting a decent representation of them, and are much better off either tracking down the original hardware and carts or obtaining them via one of Nintendo's download services.
The K101 Plus contains a 800 mAh battery which is good for about a day of use - we managed to squeeze around 6 hours out of the machine before it needed recharging, although we were running on the lowest brightness setting. Also in the box you'll find a set of cheap headphones and a TV-out cable, which links up the system to a television via a standard AV connection. It's a neat extra but when running these titles on a HD TV set, you'll notice the results are rather muddy and ill-defined. Finally, it's worth mentioning that the K101 Plus has an extension port which means it can be linked up with other K101 systems - and the original GBA console itself - for local multiplayer sessions.
When you invest in a hardware clone, it's a good idea to leave any lofty expectations at the door. There's usually some catch or shortcoming which makes that bargain price seem a little more realistic, but in the case of the REVO K101 Plus, the shortcomings are far outweighed by the positives. If you're looking for a decent GBA system but don't like the tiny form factor of the Game Boy Micro - and can't afford the revised GBA SP AGS-101 with its superior screen - then this is a solid choice. It allows you to keep your beloved GBA library alive and offers some neat extras - although we'll let you decide for yourself if the included emulation and ROM support put this particular platform on morally shaky ground.
source: nintendolife
k0en Team Open Consoles
Messages : 10824 Réputation : 367 Age : 43 Inscrit le : 25/01/2011
Apparemment la console est victime de son succès, ils ont du mal à honorer les commandes des 4 coins du monde et les livraisons sont un peu retardées. C'est quand même dingue, il y a quelques années quand elle est sortie, elle est passée limite inaperçue et là on reprend les mêmes (ou presque) et ça cartonne... Va comprendre Charles!
DC-X Padawan
Messages : 121 Réputation : 4 Inscrit le : 31/03/2013
L'écran a l'air superbe, les finitions impeccables. Bon sang les gars vous me poussez encore à l'achat mais là faut dire qu'elle donne sacrément envie!!!
Aminer Noob'
Messages : 5 Réputation : 1 Inscrit le : 13/10/2013
Pour les émus, il en existait déjà sur la K1 Gba, des 8bits notamment. Sinon, les différences sont au niveau des controles, de l'écran et la gestion des sauvegardes.
SpikeSpiegel Membre d'honneur VIP
Messages : 6181 Réputation : 212 Age : 45 Inscrit le : 07/04/2012
Oui mais c'est des émus qui marchent sur la console d'origine (GBA) donc très vieux et qui n’évoluerons pas, après avec le hardware de la console faut pas s'attendre à d'autres machines que la gb et la fc.
Vu sur Rose Colored Gaming et là je dois vous avouer que je craque alors que en version "normale" me laisse de marbre (brrr ce blanc qui fait cheap). Bon je sais, c'est du photoshop et puis les couleurs façon SNES pourquoi? D'autant plus que l'ému SNES aux dires de certains sera compliquée
ps: question de noob : en quoi l'ému de la SNES sera compliquée? La GBA c'est du 32 bits, la REVO l'émule à la perfection, alors pourquoi pas la 16 bits? La K101 à un écran d'une résolution de 960x480 max donc largement suffisant...