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 DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo

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DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo Empty
Msg n°1 MessageSujet: DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo Icon_minitimeJeu 26 Juil 2012, 10:08

I know you guys want to know more about this device. Currently, we are testing this device. We will release the result every day. And you guys can throw out any questions you want to know here. I will answer you.

At the same time, I will update these information on Willgoo: [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]

1. The results on the system information- tested by Antutu v2.6. See the picture as below:

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2. Yes, it is 5 points capactive touch screen.

3. Yes, it has HDMI output

4. Yes, it comes with OTG cable.

5. For if the anolog link or un-linked with the buttons. We had tried the below ways that our friend told us. But the anolog is recognized as "unknow". The same thing happen when I set the "X, Y, A, " buttons. I do not know whether I use the wrong way or not. Can anybody here tell me how to test it? I know you guys very concerned this problem.

Below are some details pictures for this device. It is So So Cool:- Just throw out your questions so that I can answer for you.
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DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo Empty
Msg n°2 MessageSujet: Re: DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo Icon_minitimeJeu 26 Juil 2012, 11:01

Thank you :-)
And what are your first impressions?
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DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo Empty
Msg n°3 MessageSujet: Re: DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo Icon_minitimeJeu 26 Juil 2012, 11:12

Better than the last G18 and JXD 5110?
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DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo Empty
Msg n°4 MessageSujet: Re: DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo Icon_minitimeJeu 26 Juil 2012, 12:07

charging by usb ?
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DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo Empty
Msg n°5 MessageSujet: Re: DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo Icon_minitimeVen 27 Juil 2012, 05:58

diablotinbouky a écrit:
Thank you :-)
And what are your first impressions?

My impression for this new handheld is very very good. Personal speaking, I think its designs is better than most retro handhelds in the market. The great thing is that it is really a very very good combination between retro handhelds and Android tablet.
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DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo Empty
Msg n°6 MessageSujet: Re: DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo Icon_minitimeVen 27 Juil 2012, 06:01

bubbleman a écrit:
Better than the last G18 and JXD 5110?

Well, I think you can compare this device with G18 and JXD 5110 or other device. They all got their own features.

But in general, my score for this Droid x360 is higher than these two devices- G18 and JXD 5110. You got your choice for it, my friend.
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DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo Empty
Msg n°7 MessageSujet: Re: DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo Icon_minitimeVen 27 Juil 2012, 06:02

Chine a écrit:
charging by usb ?

My friend, I still did not test it whether it can charged by both the charger and USB cable. But I will test it today and let you know.
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DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo Empty
Msg n°8 MessageSujet: Re: DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo Icon_minitimeVen 27 Juil 2012, 13:18

thank you Xufeng.
Could you ask all these manufacturers why they don't include Bluetooth?
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Inscrit le : 21/03/2012

DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo Empty
Msg n°9 MessageSujet: Re: DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo Icon_minitimeSam 28 Juil 2012, 05:27

Chine a écrit:
charging by usb ?

Yes, it can be charged by both the power charger and USB cable. I just connected the USB cable with my computer. And the battery power icon showing it is in charging.
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Inscrit le : 21/03/2012

DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo Empty
Msg n°10 MessageSujet: Re: DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo Icon_minitimeSam 28 Juil 2012, 05:28

Chine a écrit:
thank you Xufeng.
Could you ask all these manufacturers why they don't include Bluetooth?
I asked them. But they said it is their design. I do not know why they do not include Bluetooth. Maybe to reduce the costing.
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Inscrit le : 21/03/2012

DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo Empty
Msg n°11 MessageSujet: Re: DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo Icon_minitimeSam 28 Juil 2012, 05:32

Note: customers who buy this device from Willgoo need to wait till the end of this weekend. We are now testing this Droid X360 one by one. For every device sent out to customers, we are always doing this. This is to make sure customers can use the device once receiving it. We will update your order status as soon as we send it out. Feel free to get back to us via email or PM me if you need any help.

Yes, it will be a very busy weekend as we restock the first batch of this device.
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DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo Empty
Msg n°12 MessageSujet: Re: DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo Icon_minitimeSam 28 Juil 2012, 16:19

Hi xufeng, can you compare the n64 and the psx emulation of this new console with the g16, g18, s5100 etc.
And, donkey kong 64 can run ?

Dernière édition par Adam.R le Sam 28 Juil 2012, 16:20, édité 1 fois
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DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo Empty
Msg n°13 MessageSujet: Re: DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo Icon_minitimeSam 28 Juil 2012, 16:20

Salut xufeng, peux tu comparer l'émulation n64 et psx de cette nouvelle console avec la g16, g18, s5100...
Et, donkey kong 64 marche il ?
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DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo Empty
Msg n°14 MessageSujet: Re: DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo Icon_minitimeDim 29 Juil 2012, 09:58

Adam.R a écrit:
Hi xufeng, can you compare the n64 and the psx emulation of this new console with the g16, g18, s5100 etc.
And, donkey kong 64 can run ?

I will compare this device with other handhelds. But we need to test this batch stocks firstly. I will compare it with g16, g18, s5100 etc on n64 and the psx emulation after I finish testing.
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DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo Empty
Msg n°15 MessageSujet: Re: DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo Icon_minitimeDim 29 Juil 2012, 20:37

thanks Wink
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DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo Empty
Msg n°16 MessageSujet: Re: DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo Icon_minitimeMar 31 Juil 2012, 09:41

Citation :
Just got mine a few minutes ago. The build is nice and THE CONTROLS ON ALL JOYSTICKS AND BUTTONS ARE DIFFERENT! Only thing is that they do not seem to be as responsive as I would like. I am going to play with it a while before I give final judgement on the controls. It runs pretty nice so far though. Touch screen is not as good as the yinlips ydpg18a but it looks better. It is a 5 point touch screen. It even comes with a guide on how to update the firmware via livesuit. I hope these controls break in. This could be a great little device


Plutôt cool comme nouvelle!
Les sticks (analogiques ou non) ne sont pas liés ni à la croix directionnelle ni aux boutons!
Il ne manque plus qu'une rom custom pour l'alléger de tout le brun qu'ils mettent dessus et hop!
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DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo Empty
Msg n°17 MessageSujet: Re: DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo Icon_minitimeMar 31 Juil 2012, 10:43

Par contre apparemment l'écran n'est pas aussi bien que celui de la G18. Manque de réactivité?
Qu'en est il de l'émulation PSX?
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DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo Empty
Msg n°18 MessageSujet: Re: DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo Icon_minitimeMar 31 Juil 2012, 18:28

Si ça se confirme c'est une bonne nouvelle effectivement!
Je viens de me débarrasser de ma g16, j'aurais peut-être la place pour une droid du coup happy
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DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo Empty
Msg n°19 MessageSujet: Re: DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo Icon_minitimeMar 31 Juil 2012, 18:46

A priori les boutons ne sont pas bons par contre, retour fait par qbertaddict. Tu t'es séparé de ta g16? sacrilège lol
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DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo Empty
Msg n°20 MessageSujet: Re: DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo Icon_minitimeMer 01 Aoû 2012, 05:38

It is the problem of the software when you feel the buttons are not very responsive. The main reason is that the Android OS should have a very good compatibility with the Emulator. I think the problem can be solve if some one make out a customize firmware for it.

At the same time, I include you guys the link to download the firmware: [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]

Till now, I think this device is the best one.
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DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo Empty
Msg n°21 MessageSujet: Re: DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo Icon_minitimeMer 01 Aoû 2012, 10:55

Cette console est le diable, elle est la tentation incarnée !! :bave: :amour:

Va dans le métro, Satanas, je ne faiblirai point, je ne faiblirai point, je ne faiblirai point !... :lol2:
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DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo Empty
Msg n°22 MessageSujet: Re: DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo Icon_minitimeMer 01 Aoû 2012, 14:13

@coccijoe: je l'ai offerte a mon grand frère. Il est heureux comme tout !
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DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo Empty
Msg n°23 MessageSujet: Re: DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo Icon_minitimeMer 01 Aoû 2012, 15:06

Si tu peux lui emprunter trois minutes, tu testeras pour nous Wink
Sinon, si donkey kong 64 tourne en full speed (ou tourne, point), c'est vrai que ce serait impressionnant.
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DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo Empty
Msg n°24 MessageSujet: Re: DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo Icon_minitimeMer 01 Aoû 2012, 22:10

[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
Review de qbertaddict1.
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Petit scarabée

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DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo Empty
Msg n°25 MessageSujet: Re: DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo Icon_minitimeMer 01 Aoû 2012, 22:14

Si quelqu'un la possède, lui serai t'il possible de tester Minecraft, c'est une des appli android qui ne fonctionne pas avec les touches sur les les consoles JXD.
Merci d'avance Wink
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DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo Empty
Msg n°26 MessageSujet: Re: DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo Icon_minitime

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DROID X360 Game Tablet- Deep Tested Results and FAQ updated by Willgoo
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